
Amal is based on the Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) which is an evidence-based brief manualized intervention targeting survivors of conflict and organized violence, and those who live in toxic environment. NET has been proven to significantly decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms related to toxic stress (PTSD, Anxiety and Depression) in the MENA region (Hansen, Hansen-Nord, Smeir. 2018).

Fro organization wishing to use Amal in their programs, we offer a one-day training that will introduce participants to the concept of toxic stress and its impact on survivors who experienced repeated traumatization and emotional losses in their lives. The training will also increase awareness of how to use Amal Series in promoting resilience and wellness among children and adolescence who had been exposed or experienced first-hand major losses or/and currently living in a toxic environment.

It will help participants to utilize the books in raising awareness among children and caregivers about the impact of toxic stress on their behaviors, as well as equip them to master the coping skills mentioned in these books so that they can teach them effectively to the beneficiaries.

Training Outline

• Session One

The impact of toxic stress on children, caregivers, and families. An inside look on how stress impact children’s brain and development.

• Session Two

Utilizing Bibliotherapy (Amal Series) in rehabilitation and promoting resiliency following the basis of the Narrative Exposure therapy modality.

• Session Three

Outcomes and expected impact.

Interested to request a training? Fill 

Training Details

• One day

(3 session / each is 1.5 hours).

• The training will be held over zoom.

Participants are requested to attend all sessions and
keep the cameras open during all training sessions.

• 20 attendees/session

• Certificate of completion

Who is this training for?

The training is suitable for any mental health professional, lay counselors, or any agency staff who will be utilizing Amal series through their programs to promote resiliency and wellness among children.

Training Request